Who’s Your Celebrity Crush? Mine Is SUGA of BTS!
When you become a fan of a boyband, some people in your life will question your decision. The most popular question is, “Why do you like a group of boys who dance and wear make-up?”

When you become a fan of a boyband, some people in your life will question your decision. The most popular question is, “Why do you like a group of boys who dance and wear make-up?”
I used to catapult the question back with, “Can you dance?” but I’ve come to realize that answering such questions is a waste of time. Why should I sacrifice my precious energy to a pig-head?
Nowadays, I just let them talk or joke along with them. Their words are bouncing off my ears like M & M’s. “In the end, they’ll judge me anyway so, whatever,” said SUGA.
True. Whatever. What does it matter? If you enjoy a piece of music, then listen to it. If you want to support the artist, then do it. The bottom line, you do what makes you feel ALIVE.
I think it’s clear to us all that SUGA loves making music and performing it. Creatip wrote, “… there was a time when he had to live off of 2 dollars a day. He worked an unpaid part-time gig at a recording studio so he had to choose between eating ₩1,000 (around 11K Rupiah) noodles and taking the bus back home or eating ₩2,000 noodles and walking home which took him 2 hours.”
I found it on Quora that there is a Chinese saying, “Who walks 1 thousand steps after a meal will live 100 years,” which implies that walking for 2 hours may have improved his overall health, but still… he wasn’t paid!
But from that, we can collectively agree that music makes him feel ALIVE, and sometimes money means nothing as long as you get to do what makes you, well, alive. Is there a synonym for it? I’m running out of vocabulary, but I think that’s the right word to describe it.
Here’s SUGA to end the article with a saranghae *do not read the saranghae in oil london accent!*
bye, xoxo.