This Is What I Write About Today
Isn’t today the perfect day to become better? Here are pieces of my recent life that have changed the way I see things #WritingChallenge

What is the most stupid thing you have done to yourself?
While you are pondering the answer, here is mine: being too hard on myself — judging, criticizing, and mistreating myself.
Was I a people pleaser? There is a chance that I was.
My mind was preoccupied with, “if I say no to them, they will hate me!” Turning people down was never my thing. I didn’t want to be mean and always tried to help when I got asked a favor. No matter how busy or difficult the tasks were, I said, “Okay! I can certainly do that!”
Until something happened…
I got sick because I pulled all-nighters almost every night. I didn’t have time to be with friends nor do I have time to be with myself doing whatever makes me happy. I couldn’t read my books or focus on my full-time job. My sleep schedule was screwed. Even at home during holidays, I still had to deal with them. It was infuriating!
Every time I asked my close friends whether I should continue doing the projects or completely let them go, they told me the money was not bad. They were true, but the amount of workload drove me to the edge of sanity. I could hardly manage my time!
I talked about it with the people in charge too, but the amount of appreciation was unequal to the effort I had put in.
So I took a shower and thought about it.

The takeaway is…
I was too naive and my small bubble made me shallow.
So today I realize that I was used because I didn’t know my boundaries. Heck, I welcomed them to step on my face! It’s like, “Hey, here is my face, step on it and I’ll still help you like a donkey!”
Not everyone was bad though. Some were — and still are — really nice and appreciative!
Some of you, you may know about this already, but it’s a lesson I only realize today after a series of unfortunate events.
Don’t let it happen to you! Set your boundaries!