If You Could Run Away, Where Would You Go?
“I was born very far from where I’m supposed to be, so I guess I’m on my way home.”

I found an interesting quote on Pinterest that says, “I was born very far from where I’m supposed to be, so I guess I’m on my way home.”
The reason why it has my attention is its accuracy in capturing how all of us often feel that way in life.
Basically, life is a marathon of escaping the START to reach FINISH. Even if we begin at the wrong START, ultimately, we are trying to reach that one happy and full-of-contentment FINISH line.
Terrifyingly, unlike Google maps, life is unwilling to give us clear road signs or maps about which direction we should go. It let us know we are on our way to the correct destination through doing mistakes and failures because those two are the signs of learning and growing.

And some of the best lessons we will ever learn in life exist somewhere else. Perhaps, we will find them in other cities or countries.
And that is the reason why I have become more open to new people. I can confirm that some of them are meant to cross paths with me and become my friends — share with me their knowledge and life experiences. Meanwhile, the rest of them are part of the history of my life — leaving without any trackable trace.
So, if I’m asked where I would go if I could run away, I would say…
I would want to go to every corner of every city in this country, then another, another, and more.
The universe is edgeless and I would want to smell the fresh air of all woods, listen to waves crashing on all seas, or watch the rain as it falls in beautiful cities that people often romanticize.
I would want to take midnight trains anywhere. Be awake while everyone else is counting sheep in their dreams.
I would want to visit every museum and read every book.
I would want to meet everyone, listen to what they have gone through, and sympathize with them.
I would love to wander… without limits, without fear… because the universe is edgeless. The world is too huge to stay in just one place.